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Jerry Brown Signs Lesser Of Two California "DREAM" Acts

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Jerry Brown Signs Lesser Of Two California "DREAM" Acts

Jerry Brown Signs Lesser Of Two California "DREAM" Acts

Gov. Brown appeared with the author of the bill, Los Angeles Assemblyman Gilbert Cedillo, at Cal State-Los Angeles.

Brown spoke about the need to make higher education accessible to all students during this season of tight budgets.

"We want to make sure that every child that is here can go as far as their talents will permit," said Brown. "So that's why I'm here to sign the DREAM Act and anything that's going to advance the cause of our people, whatever their background, their color, their religion."

This is the lesser of two "DREAM Act" bills. The Senate has not yet voted on the second -- and more controversial -- bill, Assembly Bill 131, which would make these students eligible for public financial aid. Brown is expected to sign this bill as well.

Unlike proposed federal legislation, the California laws would not clear the way for thousands of undocumented students who want to become citizens. But critics of the bills say that the measure will take away financial aid resources from legal immigrants and U.S. citizens.

Ruxandra Guidi was a KPCC reporter for the Fronteras Desk from 2010 to 2013.