One of the state’s most popular lottery games is going to cost more starting Jan. 15 . Lottery officials say winning tickets will pay more too. KJZZ’s Al Macias reports.
AL MACIAS: A ticket for the Powerball lottery will now cost $2. Since 1994, Powerball tickets have cost a buck. Officials say the higher price will mean more revenue for the 44 states in the multi-state lottery. The Power ball generated a little over $26 million for Arizona last year. Kim McGlaughlin is with the state lottery, she says surveys show the new prices will not scare off buyers.
KIM MCGLAUGHLIN: 83 percent of our regular powerball players said they would continue to play at the $2 price…that was encouraging news for us.
AL MACIAS: Some critics say that many people who play the lottery are those who can least afford to gamble. McGlaughlin says even with the new price the lottery encourages responsible playing.