Fourteen-year-old Joe Hudy and his marshmallow cannon got the attention of President Obama at the White House on Tuesday. The young man from Phoenix was there as part of the White House Science Fair. KJZZ’s Al Macias reports the president couldn’t resist the temptation to test the science project.
AL MACIAS: Joe Hudy was standing quietly in his coat and tie when President Obama stopped at his project. As you can hear from the CNN tape, President Obama was very curious.
BARACK OBAMA: This is an air what?
JOE HUDY: It’s an air cannon
OBAMA: An air cannon okay and what would we use it for.
HUDY: I use it for shooting marshmallows
OBAMA: So would it hit the wall up there…would it stick?
HUDY: I don’t know it depends…..
OBAMA: Let’s try it…… HAHAHA This is great.
MACIAS: The president then volunteered to help pump up the cannon.
OBAMA: What pressure do we want to get it up to…..30……okay here we go.
MACIAS: Then the moment of truth
OBAMA: OHHH….let’s go look at the marshmallow. It came out pretty fast.
MACIAS: There were many other science projects at the White House event but it’s doubtful any left a bigger impression than Joe Hudy and his cannon.
Video from CNN via YouTube: