Protestors descended on a downtown Phoenix Bank of America branch yesterday Thursday to draw attention to what they say is the bank’s fraudulent mortgage practices. From Phoenix, KJZZ’s Terry Ward reports.
TERRY WARD: The group, Living United for Change in Arizona, says B of A is unfairly targeting home owners for foreclosure rather than working with people to keep them in their homes.
MONICA SANDSHAFER: Their fraudulent robo-signing practices, so-called errors that have resulted in folks getting letters saying they have modifications and then a letter month later saying they’re facing foreclosure.
WARD: Group spokeswoman Monica Sandshafer says they’re backing a national campaign called, ‘Occupy Our Homes’…
SANDSHAFER: And what homeowners are doing is refusing to leave their homes and calling attention to the abuses in the foreclosure case.
WARD: The latest figures from RealtyTrac show Arizona is third in the nation in the number of foreclosures. Bank of America had no comment on the protest.