As we continue to celebrate Arizona's centennial year, we asked you to share some favorite Arizona memories with us. This one comes from Phil Reina.
Though born in California , I've always felt a very close relationship with Arizona . It wasn't until I researched our family genealogy that I discovered why I felt as though I belonged here! Our family has resided in what is now the southwestern United States , specifically Arizona , since the early 1600s. Our family was centered in what is now Altar , Sonora , Mexico . Altar was originally a Spanish outpost and fort: a part of the Spanish prefecture. From there, our family extended to what is now Green Valley and Tucson . My grandfather, Francisco Reina Serrano, worked as a carpenter in 1905 in what is now Red Rock, AZ. He also worked as a wheelwright with the grandfather of Linda Ronstadt, who had a wagon repair business in Tucson . Having lived here since the 6th grade has provided me with a sense of belonging, a sense of "place" for my family and many friends. Our state's history, its varied, rich cultural background, and its beauty make me proud to call myself an Arizonan. I love our state and its people! There's more here that binds us that separates us. My hope is that we be more concerned for the great beauty that this land affords all of us. My hope is that we will embrace a sense of sustainability in dealing with its limited resources. My hope is that we leave our state in a condition that will serve and nurture our children and their children as well.
Do you have an Arizona memory of your own you'd like to share? Click here!