Peoria Police are asking for help, after thieves broke into an elementary school for the eighth time in less than a year. A custodian noticed this most recent break-in Monday morning. From Phoenix, KJZZ’s Mark Brodie reports.
MARK BRODIE: Burglars stole six projectors, which cost about $600 each. They also damaged the classroom doors through which they broke in. This is the eighth time Peoria’s Skyview Elementary has been burglarized since last November. Danielle Airey with the Peoria Unified School District says thieves have previously taken other technology, like laptops. She says the loss is in the thousands of dollars.
DANIELLE AIREY: We’re working with extremely limited resources, and technology is a very valuable resource on all of our campuses. It’s a huge loss. And really, when someone’s taking this off of our campus, they’re taking it directly out of the hands of the children that are using it.
BRODIE: Airey says the district has beefed up security at Skyview Elementary over the past six months, and is trying to figure out why this school has become a target. A Spokesman for the Peoria Police Department says it’s not clear if the same person or people are responsible for all of the break-ins.