A preservation group at the city of Phoenix is taking steps to inventory the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. As KJZZ’s Peter O’Dowd reports, it’s in response to a controversy over the pending demolition of a house Wright designed for his son.
PETER O’DOWD: The city and developers are in a stalemate over the David and Gladys Wright house in Arcadia. Outcry from around the globe left both parties scrambling last week to find a buyer to prevent the house from getting knocked down. The city of Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission’s Mark Briggs says the controversy has spurred the group to ask this question.
MARK BRIGGS: What Frank Lloyd Wright properties are in the city of Phoenix right now, and are they under similar threat and could they be in the near future, and let’s be more proactive rather than reactive.
O'DOWD: The inventory will include about half a dozen Wright designs. Briggs says next week the commission will discuss working with current owners before another building faces demolition. The city has been citizen for failing to protect the David Wright house years ago.