Violent crime is dropping in the largest U.S. border cities. The report comes from the FBI Uniform Crime Report, a nationwide collaboration of more than 18,000 law enforcement agencies.
In terms of the Fronteras Desk region, a few figures stand out, via USA Today:
Ten of the 13 largest cities in Texas, Arizona and California closest to the Mexico border recorded reductions in overall violent crime While the largest of the border cities — San Diego and El Paso — also reported declines, murders in each city jumped in 2011. El Paso recorded 16 murders in 2011, up from just five in 2010, the fewest since 1964. This year, the number is up to 23 killings.
As we reported last week, the murder rate in Ciudad Juarez is also down. For October, the state attorney general's office recorded a total of 30 murders, the lowest monthly tally in five years.