Here’s what we’re doing this Election Day: Every news outlet, blogger, tweeter, political junkie out there will be saturating the airwaves with their content, so we’ve decided to drill down to some key Southwestern races that count.
How will we cover them? With reporters in the field, gathering sound, photos, reaction and on-the-ground content to track the candidates, the races, the turn-out and the impact of the Latino vote. We’ll update this site with that information.
Here are those key Southwestern races:
- Gallego vs. Canesco in the Texas 23rd Congressional District
- Maricopa County, Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s quest for a new term
- Flake vs. Carmona looking for Senate seat in Arizona
- Nevada’s Latino voter turnout and the swing state’s choice for President
- New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez’s push to pack the state legislature with supporters
- In San Diego, the 52nd Congressional District and the political fate of House Immigration Caucus Chair Brian Bilbray