Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell says she’s confident the advertising campaign her office undertook leading up to Election Day mitigated any issues caused by a pair of mistakes. From Phoenix, KJZZ’s Mark Brodie reports.
MARK BRODIE: The Recorder’s office mistakenly put the wrong date of Election Day on some voter information forms and bookmarks it had handed out to Spanish-speaking voters in the past few weeks. In response, County Recorder Helen Purcell said her office would spend $30,000 to promote the correct date. Tuesday night, she said the final cost was $35,000, but that she believes the campaign worked.
HELEN PURCELL: In talking to the Hispanic community that we dealt with with this issue, I think that they were perfectly comfortable with what we had done, and the spots that we did on radio, on television, we did fliers, they took out fliers to people’s doors, we did advertising in the Hispanic newspapers.
BRODIE: Purcell says the extra $5,000 paid for TV advertising, and that all of the money came out of her office’s budget.