Areas already crippled by Hurricane Sandy are dealing with the effects of a nor’easter storm.
Power crews from APS and SRP are among the workers from around the country and
APS spokesman Steven Gotfried is embedded with the crews. He says they’ve received reports that the nor’easter caused additional outages, though he’s not yet sure if it affected the area APS is working in.
“There is a lot of wet, slushy ice and snow around the worksite area today," Gotfried said. "It continues to be cold and slightly windy, but our crews have taken the necessary measures to try and stay warm, try and stay dry, and try and continue to work as safely as possible.”
APS has helped restore power to about 4,000 homes and businesses near Long Island Sound. Gotfried said crews are grateful for the support they’ve received from co-workers and families at home.
The APS team is not yet sure when they'lll return to
Updated 11-8-12 11:45 a.m.