Border violence is decreasing. The Latino population is gaining more influence in American politics. And as we’ve covered in our NAFTA series, some six million jobs depend in some way on trade with Mexico. However, most Americans still view Mexico negatively.
A new survey released by consulting firm Vianovo polled 1,000 adults about their attitudes toward the country. The results are not flattering:
Question: How safe or unsafe would you feel about traveling to each one on vacation or for business?
Among the respondents 72 percent thought Mexico was unsafe for travel. Border cities had the highest concentration of worry, with 73 percent believing it was unsafe. Cancun was perceived to be safest at 32 percent.
Question: Thinking about Mexico, what are three words that come to mind?
Credit: Vianovo
Question: Which is closer to your view of Mexico’s current relationship with the U.S.?
14% = Mexico is a good neighbor and partner for the U.S.
59% = Mexico is a source of problems for the U.S.
27% = Don’t know enough
Question: Below is a list of statements about Mexico. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with each statement (Respondents were able to strongly or somewhat agree/disagree – results have been collapsed):
Credit: Vianovo