The Dallas trucker detained for seven months in Mexico on charges that he tried to smuggle ammunition into the country is back in the United States.
Jabin Bogan was arrested in April with 268,000 rounds of ammunition in his semi. He says he took a wrong turn off a highway in El Paso and accidentally crossed into Mexico. Friday afternoon, he was back on U.S. soil after spending months in a Mexican prison. His attorney Carlos Spector says Mexican border authorities confirmed Bogan’s story.
"The customs officials were very professional and completely honest about what happened," Spector said. "Their very statements said he was lost and there was nothing hidden."
Bogan broke down as he spoke to reporters in El Paso.
"It’s hard to be away from your family for seven months and not get a visit, barely get a phone call, and [they] treat you bad," Bogan said. "I had a lot of hard times, but I thank God for bringing me through them."
Bogan’s attorney said he believes the botched gun walking program run by the U.S. Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agency was a factor in the Mexican prosecutor's decision. The program, known as Fast and Furious, resulted in hundreds of weapons being smuggled into Mexico.
"Because of Fast & Furious, they thought they had a live one," Spector said, "and this was their opportunity to stick to the Americans and make him an example. I think that is what guided the prosecution in terms of their political desire."
Bogan was headed to Phoenix to make a delivery to an ammunition supply store when he was stopped.