UPDATE 11/30/2012 3:29 p.m.:
The Supreme Court Justices were in conference Friday to decide which cases to hear, but have not said whether they will take the Arizona case or other cases dealing with gay rights. The next time we could hear the Justices' decision is Monday.
11/29/2012 2:02 p.m.:
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide Friday morning whether to hear a case involving
In 2008, then-Governor Janet Napolitano’s administration extended benefits to the domestic partners of state workers, gay or straight. In September 2009, Governor Jan Brewer signed a law reversing those benefits, making only dependent children and legally married spouses eligible.
Since gay marriage is not recognized in
The state appealed to the Supreme Court. Friday morning, the justices will decide whether to hear the case. The Supreme Court’s also expected to announce if it will hear other suits on gay rights, involving the Defense of Marriage Act and