As the Valley’s housing market continues to climb out of the doldrums, a state realtors’ association wants the area to be better prepared whenever the next downturn happens.STEVE GOLDSTEIN: The latest numbers from the Standard and Poor’s/Case-Shiller Index showed Phoenix-area home prices up nearly twenty-two percent in the past twelve months. That has many observers optimistic about the 2013 housing market. Michelle Lind, CEO of the Arizona Association of Realtors, says the organization is looking ahead to housing-related bills in the next legislative session that begins in January.
MICHELLE LIND: Dealing with the Bankers Association and working with them in looking at some of our anti-deficiency statutes and those sorts of issues to really try to work towards not experiencing the market that we have in the last few years, to try to really learn from history and be proactive in the future.
GOLDSTEIN: Lind says her association is also looking into ways to better deal with short sales, for the next time the real estate market struggles. Steve Goldstein, KJZZ News, Phoenix.