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Best Of The Border (1/13-1/18)

The week's top stories from Fronteras Desk.

What do Mexican gun laws look like?

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama outlined his package of proposals to “reduce gun violence” in the United States. So, we kick off another national gun debate.

But what do gun laws look like south of our border? Is it surprising to hear that it’s far more difficult to legally purchase a gun in Mexico than in the U.S.?

Did you know that throughout all of Mexico there is only one legal gun store?

How will Obama's gun plan impact weapons trafficking?

President Obama at the White House today, with Vice President Biden in the background.

President Obama said he will ask Congress to create a federal firearms trafficking law. Right now, one of the closest regulations to that is a straw-purchasing law whose sentencing guidelines, law enforcement believe, do not match the crime.

Arrests of illegal border-crossers dropped to record lows in San Diego last year.

In 2008 there were more than 162,000 apprehensions. In 2012, there were around 28,400.

George P. Bush speaking at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Credit: Cage Skidmore

Big bucks for a mysterious campaign

It was less than two months ago that George P. Bush, the grandson and nephew of two U.S. presidents, announced he was thinking about running for office in Texas, and in that time he’s raised more than $1.3 million. He still hasn't declared which office he will seek.

What do we do with 11 million undocumented workers?

Competing blueprints for immigration reform are emerging. Both political parties agree the system is broken, and legal immigration is vital to our future. The devil is in the details.

John Rosman was a social media editor for the Fronteras Desk.