Phoenix has more than 5,000 miles of streets and roadways. And after this weekend’s rains many of those roads have news hazards -- potholes. KJZZ’s Al Macias reports city crews are working overtime to patch them.
The Valley doesn’t have the snow and freezing temperatures that destroys asphalt, but the two inches of rain that fell across the Valley, over the weekend left its mark on local roads.
Jack Noble is with the Phoenix Streets Maintenance division. He says those roads with older surfaces are most likely to develop potholes, especially those that are heavily traveled.
"If there’s a little bit of water in there and the tire hits it then it get’s a little more unraveled, and if a big chunk comes out then you have a good sized crater," Noble said.
Noble says when there are heavy rains more than 150 maintenance workers are assigned to put up barricades, keep the roads clear and fill potholes. He says workers filled more than 21,000 potholes last year.