We are pleased to share the voices and conversations of our community from StoryCorps Phoenix. StoryCorps Phoenix is the project that records the stories of everyday people and archives them at the Library of Congress.
The StoryCorps Mobile Booth is parked at the Phoenix Art Museum and has been very busy. We will air a conversation each Monday on KJZZ as part of the Phoenix visit.
Today on Story Corps Phoenix, a conversation with David and Suzanne Harbster.
Do you remember the long running Phoenix children’s variety show "Wallace and Ladmo?" It was a television show with skits, characters and humor for adults and kids. It had a long string visitors and recurring characters.
David was a science teacher for several years, and during that time he was asked to come to the television station to do a science segment. He and his wife Suzanne came to Story Corps Phoenix.
David played "Dave the Scientist" for five years on the long-running Phoenix kids show.
See more photos from StoryCorps Phoenix.