Spectators in the city of Phoenix saw 355 shells per minute explode in the night sky this Fourth of July. More than 75,000 residents watched the show at Steele Indian School Park, with thousands more lining nearby streets.
David Urbinato, spokesman for the Phoenix Parks and Recreation said the city prepared months in advance for the spectacle.
“What separates Fabulous Phoenix Fourth from a smaller community event is that when we have a 25 minute show, the sky is filled for the entire time,” said Urbinato. “It’s also just the sheer number of shells.”
Even though the weather was hot, Urbinato said he is thankful there were not any storms or high winds during the show.
“I think when we have a hot year the crowds tend to show up a little later, they try to show up later in the day,” said Urbinato. “But in the end, the crowds were huge and everyone was peaceful, everyone was orderly.”
Urbinato contributed the overall success of the evening to the help of the Phoenix Police and Fire Departments.
“They allow us to get huge numbers of people into the park and then huge numbers of people out of the park safely each year,” said Urbinato.
Urbinato said the city spends $70,000 on the event and is already planning next year’s spectacle.