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Immigration Activists Protest Added Border Security In Reform Bill

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Activists Protest Added Border Security

Activists Protest Added Border Security

Immigrant rights groups across the United States are protesting Wednesday the militarization component included in the Senate Immigration Reform Bill. They want Congress to hear their message.

Protests will take place in ten major cities: Washington, D.C.; El Paso, Austin, Houston and San Benito, Texas; Tucson, Ariz.; San Francisco; San Diego; Las Vegas; and Milwaukee.

Immigration activists say they have many problems with the proposed bill, chief among them is hiring more Border Patrol agents and increasing surveillance. Nevada Immigration Reform is leading a demonstration in Las Vegas.

"It will bring some awareness to the community as to what this proposal is about and also we will be able to send a message to Congress that they need to look at this more closely and possibly make some changes to it," said Carlos Silva, the Nevada Immigration Reform director.

The ‘border surge’ provision has been key in bringing conservatives on board with the bill. The House of Representatives is debating its own set of amendments for immigration reform which will go back to the Senate for a vote.

Kate Sheehy was a reporter for the Fronteras Desk.