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NAD Bank Announces Plans for First Cross-Nation Wind Farm Project

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NAD Bank Announces First Cross Border Wind Project

NAD Bank Announces First Cross Border Wind Project

SAN ANTONIO — Two binational groups have proposed building a wind farm project that spans Mexico and the United States. The North American Development Bank and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission made the announcement as part of their 20th anniversary celebration.

NAD Bank and the BECC were created shortly after NAFTA to address environmental concerns from increased traffic and commerce. In 20 years, both funded more than 230 environmental infrastructure projects along the border, including waste water treatment plants.

More recently, the focus has shifted to renewable energy. Plans are being finalized for a 155-megawatt wind farm outside of Tecate, Baja California, Mexico. The project’s goal is to provide energy to San Diego County and parts of Mexico. 

NAD Bank's Gerónimo Gutiérrez says the project would be the first cross-border energy project between the two countries.

“Baja California and California have been connected for quite some time, so the interconnections are already there, but there’s obviously additional work to be done," he said.

If the wind energy project goes through, its expected to be in operation by April 2015.

Joey Palacios was a reporter for the Fronteras Desk.