Arizona’s current campaign finance limits will remain in place, at least for now. The state Supreme Court is refusing to allow a new law, voided last month by the state Court of Appeals, to up the limits to go into effect, while arguments take place about its legality. Under that measure pushed through the Republican-controlled Legislature, lawmakers would be able to accept contributions of $4,000 from an individual, up from the current $440. There would be no limits on how much candidates could take from political action committees.
The justices did agree to a Dec. 17 hearing to allow GOP interests to defend the higher limits. Mike Liburdi is the attorney for Republican legislative leaders.
“Obviously, from our point of view, we're very encouraged by the court's decision to take the case,” Liburdi said. “We look forward to the opportunity to go to court and explain why the Court of Appeals decision is so wrong," said Liburdi.
But, Liburdi only got part of what he wanted. The high court refused to let him argue the current caps are so low they infringe on the First Amendment rights of both politicians and campaign contributors.