Those challenging the state’s denial of driver’s licenses to “dreamers” are asking for internal documents and testimony, possibly from Governor Brewer, in their legal fight to prove her actions illegal. The governor, by executive order has denied driver’s licenses to those in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, saying their presence in the country is not authorized by federal law, which is a state requirement to get a driver’s license. Attorney Victor Viramontes of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund believes the e-mails and memos will show discrimination by the Brewer administration.
“Under the equal protection analysis, your motivation is one of the key factors that you have to evaluate to figure out if they're discriminating,” Viramontes said. “By denying us this discovery, they're keeping us from proving our case.”
Viramontes says they may try to question Brewer herself. The governor’s legal team contends the documents and the governor’s testimony are off limits, because they’re protected by laws shielding attorney-client communications.