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Did You Know: Many Symbols Represent Arizona

What comes to mind when you think about Arizona? The hot weather, cactus and citrus — but there is more to Arizona. There are many things that make the state different.

Every state has something that represents it: a state flower, a bird, a tree and animals. They are recognized as symbols that shows how unique it is. Did you know Arizona has many symbols to represent the state?

“When you’re looking at an official state symbol you’re looking at the end product of the law making process," said Alice Duckworth with the Arizona Capitol Museum.

The state symbols are showcased at the museum.

“And so, every once in a while they’ll introduce a bill regarding a symbol as a way for children to follow the process," said Duckworth. 

State symbols are often officially recognized after the Legislature votes them into law. Most of Arizona’s symbols became official in the 20th century.

Only a few were recognized in the last few years. The first official symbol for Arizona is the seal introduced in 1911. It includes the Latin motto, "Ditat Deus," meaning "God Enriches.” Six years later, the state flag was recognized.

“The original 13 colonies are represented in the rays of the setting sun," Duckworth explained. 

By the fourth grade, Arizona students are introduced to the state’s history. Symbols are part of the lesson. Those symbols include the saguaro cactus blossom, the state flower; the cactus wren, the state bird; and the ridged-nosed rattlesnake, state reptile.

“As I tell the kids, you know that little thing of milk that you get for lunch? If you open that container up, you can put the rattlesnake in it. Not that we would want to," said Duckworth. 

Arizona is also represented by a gem stone, turquoise. Our state fish is the Apache Trout, the fossil is the petrified wood, the amphibian is the Arizona Tree Frog, our mammal is the Ringtail related to the raccoon and the state butterfly is the two-tailed Swallowtail.

Arizona’s colors are blue and gold. We even have an official neckwear. It is the bolo tie.

In 2011, the Arizona Legislature introduced its newest symbol: the state firearm. It is the Colt single-action Army revolver.

One interesting fact, for decades Arizona’s nickname has been the Grand Canyon State. Museum historians say if it were not for an elementary school student doing research, the state Legislature would never have made it official.

Arizona was the only state without a formal nickname until 2011.  

Nadine Arroyo Rodriguez was a reporter at KJZZ from 2008 to 2015.