Another Arizona college student has fallen from a building and died. The second fall this week happened at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
U of A police say a 19-year-old freshman from California died when he fell from a 20-foot tower on the roof of a university dorm. Police say Michael Anderson and a friend were on top of the La Paz Residence Hall around 4 a.m. on Friday. They got onto the roof by climbing a wall and then made their way up the cooling tower. The friend called 911 after Anderson fell.
Just last Sunday, an 18-year old Arizona State student died in Tempe. She fell from a 10th-story balcony of an apartment complex across the street from campus. Police say Naomi McClendon had been drinking at a party before she died.
Updated 4/4/2014 at 1:22 p.m.