The team reviewing 6,500 ignored reports of child abuse and neglect said every case has now been assigned to an investigator.
Late Monday, the CARE team announced every report improperly marked as “not investigated” has received a response and that some 10,000 children have been seen in person. All 6,596 ignored cases have had a response. There may still be more children who child welfare workers will need to visit.
The CARE team is lead by Charles Flanagan, who is also Gov. Jan Brewer’s pick to lead the new cabinet-level department she wants to establish in place of Child Protective Services.
The governor said in a statement she is proud of the team's work. Flanagan also said in a statement that he is proud of the CARE team’s work and that its efforts will continue until every investigation is complete.
Still to be determined is how much funding the new agency will get in the state budget.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.
Updated 4:50 p.m. at 4/8/2014.