School districts often find themselves applying for grants, appealing to government, even having bake sales to generate revenue. Usually that tapers off this time of year, but one Arizona school district has found a different way to make money — summer programs.
Michael Linn is the Director of Community Education for the Paradise Valley Unified School District said that adding revenue is part of their goal.
“We are looking to make extra money,” said Linn. “That is the goal of my office, we’re the one part of the Paradise High School District that can operate kind of as a business and generate income."
PVUSD holds more than 1,600 programs over 81 days of summer.
“We are offering incredible programming and we are also able to generate some money that will go back into the school district, pay teachers salaries and things that have to happen behind the scenes,” said Linn.
Linn attributes their success to offering children new and trendy subjects, like computer coding, while giving parents the chance to keep their kids engaged during those long summer hours.