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U Of A Apologizes For Graduation Issues

University of Arizona officials are apologizing for the heat-related problems some graduates experienced during the school’s outdoor commencement ceremony May 17.

The apology follows more than a week of public silence from the university on problems that caused some students to miss the ceremony after being felled by heat-related illnesses. Thousands of grads had to wait for hours in near-100-degree heat to enter the football stadium for the ceremony.

University officials admit adequate water either was not available or not visible enough to graduates. Paramedics treated at least eight grads for seizures, fainting and dehydration and campus police say several guests also succumbed to the heat and were taken to the hospital.

University officials are promising action. The Arizona Daily Star says plans for next year include handing out bottled water or a refillable water bottle to every graduate and making water stations more numerous and visible.

They’re also planning for multiple entrance points for grads, all of whom used the same entrance this year.

Dennis Lambert was a morning host at KJZZ.