A city review board has concluded the Tucson police response to a large crowd following the U of A basketball loss in the NCAA tournament last March was generally proper.
While the Board of Inquiry found the actions of most officers appropriate, it found those of one sergeant were inappropriate and needed to be investigated separately.
The sergeant was seen on video pushing a woman to the ground, an incident that was widely distributed on social media. The report says the sergeant shoved three people during the incident March 29 near the university campus.
The board found police were able to disperse the crowd fairly quickly with no significant injury or property damage. And it says the use of force issues are being dealt with appropriately.
The sergeant who was seen on video shoving a woman across a bench is currently on military leave, according to a police spokesman.
Chief Roberto Villasenor called the report a thorough, informed critique of the event. He says the social media accounts of the incident contradict the restraint and professionalism displayed by most officers that night.