Phoenix is creating a citizen’s committee meant to help improve public transportation in the city. Mayor Greg Stanton said he wants to triple the amount of light-rail lines in the city, increase bus routes and make the city friendlier to bikes and pedestrians.
And to Mayor Stanton, that means launching a citizens committee and an informal public comment period. He says making public transportation better could have a big impact on Phoenix.
"Those cities that advance when it comes to great public transportation, arts and culture, education — those are going to be the advanced cities in moving forward in this hyper competitive, international economy," Stanton said. "We’ve got to get this right."
Stanton said he’s creating a citizen’s committee that will also look at ways to improve bus lines and make the city more walkable and bike-able.
"You have to make public transportation as convenient as possible, and the system that’s in place now was never designed to be the entire system," Stanton said. "We’re always going to be expanding it, just like New York is expanding their subway system even to this day."
Stanton said an informal public comment period will last about three months. He’s planning to ask voters for money to expand public transportation in an upcoming election.
"So I want the public’s input as to the best routes to get it there, prioritization and, frankly, some financial issues, because we’re going to have to go the voters and ask for their support," Stanton said.
Comments can be made via email or at upcoming public meetings.