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Phoenix Residents Cautiously Optimistic About FAA Response

Phoenix's FQ Story Neighborhood runs from McDowell Road south to Roosevelt Street, and from 7th Avenue west to Grand Avenue.
(Photo by Kathy Ritchie/KJZZ)
Phoenix's FQ Story Neighborhood runs from McDowell Road south to Roosevelt Street, and from 7th Avenue west to Grand Avenue.

Phoenix residents say they’re cautiously optimistic about the Federal Aviation Administration’s response to complaints about recent flight path changes over residential neighborhoods.

According to the FAA’s response letter, some planes were not following the right route into and out of the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. The correct flight path should take aircrafts over an industrial area to the west.

Steve Dreiseszun represents the FQ Story neighborhood in downtown Phoenix and a group of residents who have been impacted by the changes. He said, while he’s impressed with the FAA’s response time and involvement in the issue, he’d like to have a few more details.  

"It is premature to suggest that tightening up these procedures would actually have any impact on the Grand Avenue flight path which is directly the flight path that’s impacting these neighborhoods," he said.

Dreiseszun added the biggest question is exactly how far these flights deviated from the correct path, but said he’s encouraged by the progress and public outreach.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article has been modified to reflect the correct spelling of Steve Dreiseszun's name.

Updated 11/18/2014.

Carrie Jung was a senior field correspondent from 2014 to 2018.