Gloating to friends back east over the cold weather is something many of us do every winter. That cold weather is also an opportunity for the Scottsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Megan Doyle with the bureau says Scottsdale doesn’t want to gloat, but just remind people back there that while they are shivering temperatures in Scottsdale are in the 70s.
"Well, right now we’re in the midst of our holiday campaign. That’s going to promote travel now to the beginning of January. That campaign is focused on our target market. So you are including New York, Chicago, Denver, and Canada. These places that are suffering from cold weather right now."
With average December high temperatures for New York City dropping to the low 40s by the end of the month and Chicago high temperatures dropping to 30s for the same period, Scottsdale is counting on some response to its ad campaign.