The Arizona Game and Fish Department is threatening to sue the federal government in an effort to force the development of an updated Mexican Wolf recovery plan. The agency served Interior Department officials with a notice of intent Tuesday.
The notice of intent is the first step required before the state wildlife agency can officially file a lawsuit.
Game and fish officials say the current recovery plan is outdated and no longer provides an adequate framework to guide recovery efforts.
"The department has tried steadfastly to take middle ground and that’s our interest in filing this notice of intent," said Jim deVos, a spokesman with the Arizona Game and Fish Department. "Let’s keep it at middle ground. Let’s have a wolf program that contributes to recovery and protects state resources."
deVos added that the agency wants to have a seat at the table when it comes to wolf recovery decisions including recognizing the importance of historical range and encouraging participation from Mexico.
The Interior Department has 60 days to respond.