The Arizona Senate has voted to ban abortion coverage for people with insurance policies through the federal Affordable Care Act.
Existing laws already prohibit the use of state and federal money for elective abortions. But the anti-abortion Center for Arizona Policy said 90 percent of those who get coverage under “Obamacare” get government subsidies.
The Senate bill bars those policies from paying for elective abortions, but it also prevents women from buying such coverage at their own expense.
Senate Minority Leader Sen. Katie Hobbs said the bill takes away coverage some women now have.
“This is yet another effort by politicians to insert themselves in health care decisions by denying them the right as consumers to purchase private health plans,”
But Sen. Sylvia Allen lashed out at those who say the bill amounts to a war on women.
“I think the worst war that has ever happened against women is before they were ever born, the millions of baby girls that have been killed through abortion before they've ever had a chance to live, ever had a chance to even think about birth control or anything else about their reproductive system,” Allen said.
Sen. Debbie Lesko said the bill, which is now on its way to the House, just reflects the views of her constituents who oppose the use of their money to fund abortions.