A scholarship has been established at Northern Arizona University to honor the life of Kayla Mueller, the Prescott woman who was killed while being held hostage by the so-called Islamic State. The university hopes to inspire other students to give back to those in need.
Kayla Mueller graduated from Northern Arizona University in 2009. While she was there she volunteered with groups like Save Darfur and STAND-NAU.
Assistant Vice President for University Advancement Anne Morgan said Mueller was an amazing woman who went on to do amazing things with her life. To honor her work and her life, the university has established the Kayla Jean Mueller Memorial Scholarship with the support of two anonymous donors.
"The point of the scholarship was to inspire our students to lead lives of service and to follow her example of bravery in the face of unknown and that inner peace she seemed to have," Morgan said.
Morgan says the criteria for the scholarship is that the student major within the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and has a desire to work in humanitarian relief. She said NAU hopes to award the first scholarship next spring.