Texas Sen. Ted Cruz announced he was running for president on Monday morning, which drove people to look for him online at TedCruz.com. But what they found wasn’t his campaign website.
If you go to TedCruz.com, you'll see a black page with gray lettering that says “Support President Obama. Immigration reform now.” A message that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz wouldn’t support.
Arizona resident Ted Cruz is a real-estate broker and this is his domain — and it has been for quite a while.
“I guess I did want to drive some traffic to TedCruz.com with that message that I have on there now or similar messages because I really don’t support any of his views," he said. "We are almost at opposite extremes.”
Arizona's Ted Cruz said he had been contacted by lawyers from Washington D.C. trying to purchase the domain name, but he didn’t sell and doesn’t plan on it. In fact, he said viewers can expect some more message the presidential candidate Ted Cruz may not agree with, whose campaign website is TedCruz.org.