Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton delivered his fourth state of the city address Wednesday. The city’s international trade efforts and the recent passage of an equal-pay ordinance were among his talking points.
Stanton also talked about the transportation infrastructure in Phoenix. He said last year the light rail saw more than 1 million boardings.
"Transit has taken hold in Phoenix shattering ridership expectations, with more people using rail than ever before," said Stanton.
MORE: Stanton Talks Phoenix With KJZZ
In his remarks, the mayor took the opportunity to take a stance on the recent legal battle over whether or not DACA recipients should be eligible for in-state tuition.
"Let’s grant in state tuition to our DREAMer students so that we can fortify their future and increase the latino graduation rate," he said. "It’s time to get that policy right."
Stanton added he’s concerned about the high number of disconnected youth in the city. He said one in five young people in Phoenix are not in school or the workforce, which Stanton said is one of the highest rates in the country.