The Arizona Game and Fish Department has turned to a new advertising campaign in hopes it will help resolve the stress of a tightening budget.
The first commercials hit the air late last month. The TV spots typically open with a group of people participating in some sort of outdoor recreation who then stop to take notice of some local wildlife .
The department is responsible for managing much of the state’s wildlife. But agency officials say doing that well with the budget they have has gotten harder in recent years.
Spokesman Bill Andres said that’s because much of their funding comes from hunting and fishing activities, but the number of people who hunt and fish in the state hasn’t grown as fast as the population.
"Which means there’s a large portion of population that doesn’t get out and hunt and fish and therefore doesn’t pay in to help manage the more than 800 species the department conserves and protects," Andres said.
Andres said the campaign was paid for by funds generated from a federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition. He says the goal is to get the word out about ways to support the department other than hunting and fishing.
Arizona Game & Fish Department - "Camping" from Off Madison Ave Films on Vimeo.