Tempe residents are being asked to weigh in on an idea to create a city campaign finance system — funded through a newly created fee.
The Tempe Clean and Transparent Campaign includes developing a fee-collecting system to pay for local council campaigns of qualifying candidates. Ideas include adding a fee to city civil and criminal citations. Another is to implement a flat fee per household.
Qualifying candidates would get $25,000 to $50,000 per election. If city council approves the plan, voters could see it on the March primary election ballot.
“What goes to the ballot in March, we want to as closely mirror what we heard from Tempeans as possible," said Councilman David Schapira. "You know 'cause in March you only get a chance to cast a 'yes' or 'no' vote. You can’t say, 'but I wish this part were changed.' So we want the system to really reflect what the voters are looking for.”
Residents can attend Monday night’s public meeting at the Tempe Library or provide their input online at the city’s website.