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For $75 You Can Make An Argument For Or Against Arizona Ballot Measures

Got something to say about the May ballot measure on Arizona school funding? For $75 you can.

State law requires the secretary of state to publish a pamphlet of pro and con arguments ahead of any election with a ballot measure. That includes Proposition 123 which would tap funds from the state land trust to settle a lawsuit with schools over inflation funding. 

Anyone with $75 can submit his or her own 300-word argument for or against the proposal, and have it go out to all 3.3 million registered voters in Arizona.

Secretary of State's Office spokesman Matt Roberts said what people want to say is totally up to them. In fact, the statements do not even have to be relevant.

"Our office will not be editing those particular arguments for content," he said. "So, in theory, someone could send their argument that is simply their Christmas list. And we'll print that."

Up to a point.

"We obviously will issue the publicity pamphlet to households. So there could be children, in theory, taking a look at it. So if someone were to use profanity, we'll take a look and see if it would require us to edit some of that profanity out," Roberts said.

Time is running out — arguments and payments must be submitted to the Secretary of State's Office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday.
