Glendale police have recommended a felony charge against the student who provided the gun used in the murder-suicide of two 15-year-old female students at Independence High School on Feb. 12.
It will be up to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to decide if the 15-year-old boy will be formally charged with selling or giving a gun to a minor, a Class 6 felony.
Neither girl’s family wants him to be prosecuted, according to Glendale police.
Police released several suicide notes left by the the girl suspected of carrying out the killings.
Investigators say the high school sophomore shot her lover and then herself. She wrote in one of the notes that she got the gun from a classmate, and she lied to get him about needing it for self-defense.
The gun was a 9mm Beretta that purchased in 2013 at Cabela’s in Glendale, records show. Students were exchanging Valentine’s Day gifts on campus when the gunshots rang out.
A friend of the suspected shooter told police the girl had talked about killing herself the day before.
The recommendation won't go to the County Attorney's Office until after Glendale police have completed their investigation. A police department spokeswoman said it will be the only charge recommended, but detectives are still reviewing evidence before completing their full report.