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Ducey Gets Bill That Would Make It A Felony To Drop Off Others' Ballots

Insisting it will prevent voter fraud, Arizona Senate Republicans gave final approval Wednesday to legislation that would make felons out of those who collect others' ballots and bring them to the polls.

The measure would impose a presumptive one-year prison term for the practice by civic and political groups of going out to see if people remembered to return the early ballots they had requested by mail. It was approved on a strictly party-line vote. And the partisan nature of the measure did not go unnoticed and uncommented.

Sen. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, said there has never been a documented case of anyone actually picking up someone else's ballot and then failing to deliver it.

"The problem we're solving is that one party is better at collecting ballots than the other one. The other one tried and they failed. And, therefore, it's time to change the rules."

But Sen. Don Shooter, R-Yuma, said he has received emails from people claiming to have evidence of fraud.

"What I've been told is the way they do it is they collect the ballots early, they put them in a microwave with a bowl of water, steam them open, take the ballots. If they like the way it's voted they put them back in. If they don't like the way it's voted, they lose that ballot," he said.

Shooter said he understands the incident was reported to police who reported it to the secretary of state, who ultimately did an investigation. "Nothing really happened other than the fact that they did a press release, I think, or something.

Opponents said that proves the measure seeks to solve a problem that does not exist. The measure now goes to the governor.