Arizona cities and towns could soon be restricted from restricting homeowners from renting out their properties on a short-term basis.
The House Ways and Means Committee voted 8-1 on Monday to bar local governments from restricting the use of vacation or other short-term rentals. The measure covers not just people renting out rooms in their own homes but also those who rent out second houses and condo units in which they do not live.
It is largely designed to help property owners who advertise their properties on Airbnb and similar services.
Sedona City Attorney Robert Pickels told lawmakers this is none of the state's concern-- "We talk a lot in this body about, or you do, about local control and what that means to the state of Arizona versus the federal government. We feel the same way at the local level. The city of Sedona feels very strongly that the characteristics that are unique to Sedona and preservation of those characteristics are left to the city of Sedona."
But Rep. Jeff Weninger, R-Chandler, said it's not like the state is telling cities they have to allow people to run all sorts of home-based businesses. "People are going there and truly doing what the structure was truly was meant for, which is recreating around inside the house just like a normal homeowner would, and sleeping in it. And so I just don't see how that's ultimately disruptive."
The measure, which already has been approved by the Senate, now awaits a vote in the full House.