Non-native roof rats can cause thousands of dollars in electrical damage. While they were first found in east Phoenix, they’ve become a problem across the Valley.
More than 100 complaints have been filed with Maricopa County Environmental Services this year about roof rats. They’re a non-native pest that can get up to ten inches long with large bald ears, a separate species from local rodents.
West Valley cities that doesn’t usually have the pests are seeing them, including in Litchfield Park, according to Johnny Dilone with environmental services. He said residents can avoid attracting the rats by getting rid of extra citrus.
“They tend to move obviously, and they’ve become a problem countywide. They could be in different areas, so we all have to take precautions.”
Roof rats haven’t been found to carry disease, but they can chew through electrical wires and prefer to live up high and travel across power lines.