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Lawmakers Call For University Of Arizona President's Resignation

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(Photo via arizona.edu)
University of Arizona

Nearly two dozen Arizona lawmakers have signed a letter calling on Ann Weaver Hart to resign her position as University of Arizona president.

They’re unhappy with her decision to be a paid board member for the Devry Education Group. State Representative Bruce Wheeler, one of the lawmakers who want her to resign, spoke about the push.

KJZZ requested an interview with President Hart, who declined. But she did send us this statement:

I recognize and understand that men and women of good will can agree to disagree while continuing to contribute in many different endeavors. I am using personal time for these activities and have fully complied with all ABOR policies. Just as faculty consult, university administrators serve on outside boards. This is true in Arizona, as well.

I plan to maintain my board appointment because I understand the challenges faced by nontraditional students, having been one myself, and view my board membership as a way to contribute to positive outcomes and quality for students in higher education who will never have the opportunity to attend the University of Arizona.

DeVry students are usually 25 years of age or older.  Often, they have dropped out or simply were not able to attend school earlier in life.  They are working to improve themselves through higher education. I think that’s valuable to all of us.

The DeVry Group asked me to be on the board for my knowledge and expertise, not my affiliation with the UA. I would venture that my position would not mean anything to a DeVry student. The UA is a world leader in research and student instruction and this appointment will not affect that.

Steve Goldstein was a host at KJZZ from 1997 to 2022.