Girl Scouts of the USA has been expanding its reach in recent years, including an emphasis on STEM. That direction was strengthened by Anna Maria Chavez, who became CEO of the national organization in 2013.
Chavez is the first woman of color to lead the organization. She was a girl scout herself while growing up in Eloy, Arizona. She spoke with The Show's Steve Goldstein.
Why has the organization increased its focus on science, technology, engineering and math education?
“We need to prepare these young ladies for their future. We know that stem is no longer a niche market, it is the market.”
Is it still good for the Girl Scouts to be so closely associated with making and selling cookies?
“We love the fact that our cookie program is the largest entrepreneur program for girls in the world. It’s the largest girl-run business.”
“What they’re doing day to day in cookie season is they’re running a business. They’re learning about supply chain. They’re understanding how to do a cold call, how to knock on a door and ask a stranger to invest in her business.”
Chávez's favorite cookie?
The Samoa.