There have been 30 travel-related Zika cases in Arizona. Most of those have been recorded in Maricopa County and diagnosed in the month of August.
The state registered 12 confirmed cases of Zika last month.
Jessica Rigler with the Arizona Department of Health Services said the recent spike in cases can correlate with Arizona residents returning from summer vacation in Zika affected areas. But, it’s not always the case.
“We get a mix of returning travelers, people who are going to visit friends or family, people who are going on vacation, and then other people who are traveling overseas for work. It’s a really good mix of people. So, it’s hard to attribute it to one thing or another,” Rigler said.
The one thing she does say for sure it does not attribute to: Monsoon activity. Rigler said that’s because people are not getting sick in Arizona.
None of the cases registered in the state have been passed from person-to-person.