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Thousands Rally For Donald Trump In Prescott Valley

Prescott Valley Event Center
(Photo by Casey Kuhn - KJZZ)
The crowd outside Prescott Valley Event Center on Oct. 4, 2016.

Donald Trump gave a familiar stump speech with a few specifics about the influence of Obamacare in Arizona and the state’s proximity to the United States-Mexico border in Prescott Valley on Tuesday.

This was Trump’s sixth campaign visit to Arizona.

The Daily Courier reported there was room for approximately 7,500 people inside the Prescott Valley Event Center and that all of the free online tickets for Trump's rally had all been downloaded by Monday afternoon.

One couple who didn’t have to travel very far was Robert and Alicia Monasmith from Prescott. She is a naturalized citizen from Mexico and agrees with Trump’s stance on immigration.

“I believe that they should have a wall. And I believe that he is right on that. They should want to come here, they should come legally, like I did," she said.

Her husband, once an owner of an oil service business, approves of Trump’s businessman qualities, including his recently published 1995 tax returns.

“Great big companies, sometimes they have to do what they have to do, reorganization, in order to be able to go on,” Robert said.

Ka’rin Royster came up from Scottsdale to see Trump with her three friends, who met through a bible study group. She sees Trump as a leader who reflects her Christian values.

“His values, the way he raised his kids, if you just look at the fact, anybody that’s been married several times and all the exes and all the kids get along, that’s a reason to vote for somebody right there.”

Trump repeated campaign promises to end illegal immigration and the influx of refugees, cut taxes and repeal the Affordable Care Act.

If he were elected, Trump said he would ask Congress to send a bill that would repeal and replace the health-care legislation.

“This is essential for Arizona because of Obamacare, most of the state will only have one carrier for next year,” Trump said. 

Both Maricopaand Pinalcounties could only have one option for purchasing health care in the federal exchange.

Chants of “U.S.A.” and “build the wall,” broke out several times throughout his hour-long address.

The latter was part of Trump’s proposal to stem immigration from Mexico by building a physical barrier between the two countries.

“Security begins at the border, right Joe?” Trump said, acknowledging Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

He also gave a nod to several Arizona politicians who have publicly supported him including State Treasurer Jeff DeWit and former Gov. Jan Brewer.

Trump attacked Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for her foreign policy decisions, for how domestic policies impact Latinos and African Americans, and for her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State.

Trump reminded the audience several times to vote and to send in their ballots early.

“You are going to say it is the single greatest vote you have ever cast,” Trump said. “That it is the most important vote that you have every cast.”

The rally was like most of Trumps’ others, with the presence of protestors like Bev Worthman, also from Prescott.

“I think it’s a very conservative state, and I feel like I’m in a minority — it’s a little uneasy feeling," said Worthman.

One protester was arrested for disorderly conduct — three Trump supporters were also arrested for the same charges.

Associated Press contributed to this story.

Casey Kuhn was a senior field correspondent at KJZZ from 2015 to 2019.