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Dozens Of Pro-Proposition 400 Signs In Peoria Stolen

(Photo courtesy of Jon Binsbacher)
A game camera used by hunters to take pictures of wildlife caught someone kicking down and taking a 'Yes Prop 400' sign.

With less than two weeks to go until this election season is over, local races are heating up.

Peoria residents have the option to vote yes or no on Proposition 400, a permanent four tenths of a cent sales-tax increase. It would go to funding public-safety projects and public facilities like parks and streets.

Supporters of Proposition 400 say they’ve seen their signs disappearing — and want to know who’s behind it.

“We put some bait signs out, cause we knew it was like clockwork. I was putting them up, they were going down, putting up, going down,” he said.

Jon Binsbacher caught the thieves at night on camera. Pictures show two men pulling down and taking signs at different right-of-ways last weekend.

He estimates more than 50 signs have already been taken, some from personal lawns, too.

“If you don’t agree with it, that’s OK. Vote however you want to vote but don’t go around breaking the law and stealing our property," said Binsbacher.

In Arizona, it is a misdemeanor to remove or deface political signs.

Casey Kuhn was a senior field correspondent at KJZZ from 2015 to 2019.