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Cloudy Water From Mesa Taps Is OK, City Says

drinking water fountain
Christina Estes/KJZZ
file | staff
Drinking fountain.

Some Mesa residents might notice their tap water gets a little cloudy in the next few months.

The city is closing the Val Vista Water Treatment Plant in December and January for maintenance.

The plant is one of two that treats surface water from rivers, which is the city’s largest source of water.

To make up the difference, the city will increase the amount of water pulled up from wells.

"Residents can rest assured their water continues to meet all state and federal water quality standards,” said Kathy Macdonald, spokeswoman for Mesa’s water resources department. “The cloudiness or milky appearance in the water is actually just tiny bubbles.”

Mesa predicts the changes will affect customers who live east of Loop 101 to Val Vista Drive and north of Baseline Road.

Usually, 37 percent of the city’s water comes from the Salt and Verde Rivers, 54 percent from the Colorado River and 9 percent from wells. 

If people want to get rid of the cloudy look, they can leave the water out and wait for the bubbles to dissipate.

If Mesa residents think there is a problem with their water they can call (480) 644-4444, for emergencies (480) 644-2262.

Mariana Dale was an assistant digital editor and senior field corrsepondent at KJZZ from 2016 to 2019.